Site Analytics

Served 155 pages to 102 unique visitors in the past 24 hours with an average response time of 5ms.

A lot of websites are like vacuums that suck up as much user information as possible. If you've ever seen a Google Analytics dashboard, you know what we're talking about. We like to know when we're getting attention on the internet, but we also like privacy (and minimalism), so we created our own system that stores non-identifiable stats to a SQLite database on our own server. This page is open to the public because we think you should know how and why you're being tracked on the internet.

Browser and OS info is taken from the User-Agent header (you can see what yours is right here). Your IP address is used to look up your country with geoip, then hashed together with your browser and OS to decide if you're a unique visitor, and finally discarded.

If you clicked a link to get here, your browser will send the site you came from in the Referer header. We save this too so we know if we're getting visitors from a particular blog, forum, or other site that wrote about us.

Top Pages

Views by Country

  • US - 82 views
  • FR - 14 views
  • Unknown - 10 views
  • CN - 9 views
  • JP - 7 views
  • BG - 6 views
  • DE - 5 views
  • SE - 4 views
  • ID - 4 views
  • GB - 3 views
  • SG - 2 views
  • RU - 2 views
  • HK - 2 views
  • IE - 1 view
  • EU - 1 view
  • CZ - 1 view
  • CA - 1 view
  • AT - 1 view

Views by Browser

  • Chrome - 41 views
  • Other - 38 views
  • Mobile Safari - 18 views
  • Googlebot - 14 views
  • MJ12bot - 10 views
  • Firefox - 9 views
  • Python Requests - 6 views
  • GPTBot - 4 views
  • Crawlson - 3 views
  • Chrome Mobile WebView - 3 views
  • com/bot - 2 views
  • domainsbot - 1 view
  • bingbot - 1 view
  • SeznamBot - 1 view
  • Safari - 1 view
  • Opera - 1 view
  • Chrome Mobile - 1 view
  • AhrefsBot - 1 view

Views by OS

  • Other - 71 views
  • Windows - 34 views
  • iOS - 18 views
  • Android - 13 views
  • Linux - 11 views
  • Mac OS X - 7 views
  • Ubuntu - 1 view